11 August 2009

Not the Worst Birthday Ever

Yesterday I truly thought that today was on target for a potential let down.

It is my birthday, and I hadn't made plans to celebrate. Moreover, no one else had made plans for me, which is what I would have preferred. Entering panic mode for the upcoming journey, with things to accomplish on several fronts, I had no intention of having a good day today.

Then things changed when a good friend came over last night. I was reminded that I could relax and even deserved to. So I did. And the birthday goodness began. Curiously, a card I received yesterday about laughter presaged a recommendation from my mom this morning that I go out tonight with good friends and laugh ... lots. It would seem that I have a perceived need to laugh. Let's get on that, shall we?

This morning I made a pitcher of milk punches to share with a friend. This beverage -- consisting of ice, bourbon, brandy, Breyers "All-Natural" Natural Vanilla ice cream (which is no longer as perfect as it used to be since the recipe change a few years ago), real vanilla extract, and milk -- is a key element in my family's holiday celebrations. I thought I'd make today a special occasion for myself and mix up a batch. Good call, David.

Next on the agenda: rowing this evening and then finding a suitable place to bring anywhere from 8-26 people for drinks afterward. Given the temperature drop in Seattle back to a more typical mid-60s, I'd rather not be thrown into Lake Union today as part of some sort of crew birthday tradition. It would make for a quicker transition from in the boat to in the bar. Maybe I can bribe the thrower with a drink? Candidate watering holes for later include Knee High Stocking Co. and Rosebud. Although I haven't been to KHSC yet, the reviews are very positive...except for the fact that we'd be possibly many people squeezing into a not-so-big establishment. Rosebud is a terrific backup and often serves as a post-performance destination. TBD.

Tomorrow morning, travel preparation must resume!

1 comment:

  1. 1. You do need to relax more, even if it kills you.
    2. Milk punches are not totally offensive.
    3. KHSC = VERY good times.
